Thursday, February 3, 2011

Playing with Mia

Mia is now at that age where she can sit and play with me. It is so much fun to watch her play with a toy by herself, rather than me just playing with it and her watching. Although I do love playing with her toys!

These are Mia's musical stack rings. They light up, too! She loves this toy.

This is Mia's music table. Today is the first time she really showed interest in it.

This is Mia's pop-up toy. She knows how to push all the animals down.

This is Mia's Laugh and Learn Kitchen. We love this.

Some tummy-time on Mia's play mat.

Mia rolling around.

As you can see, we had a fun day today.


  1. Looks like you surely had a fun day! I remember when Mia didn't like Tummy-Time and now she's smiling while she's doing a yoga pose on her mat! I love you both!! xoxo Mom

  2. What a talented little love! Glad to see all that artistic ability was passed on to Mia!!! I love watching her grow with this blog!!!A very talented and brilliant baby!!!Hugs and kisses to you all!
